Friday 16 September 2016


WHAT:We had a go at some technology at Lincoln. So What:Write about what you did favourite,Challenges,suprises,likes,dislikes... My favourite is cooking a challenge was wood work and a suprise was sewing. Now What:I m looking forward to next year at Tech.

Friday 9 September 2016

WHAT:I have been involved in swimming over the last 2 weeks SO WHAT:Write about what you have been doing,have learnt, enjoyed, found challenging i learnt how to breathe better and something challenging was backstroke and I learnt how to do streamline better and something that I enjoyed was freestyle NOW WHAT: I would like to improve on my backstroke because sometimes I sink?

Friday 2 September 2016

What:We have been learning about Transitions last week So What:Comment how you went and what you ticked and highlighted i highlighted move safely be aware of others stay in group lines use quite voices hands and feet to yourself and stay with your teacher. Now What:Could you do better I think i need to get better at being a positive role model.

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Fat for eyed and useless by David Hill

WALT  reflect on our learning on our blog and I learnt NOTHING .

My next step is to finish it.

The book I am reading for novel study's is Fat For Eyed And Useless By David Hill and we got to create our own cover for the book I did a weird one.

Friday 28 August 2015

Christmas recount

Hope you can read it 😏

I have been learning to write a recount.
I have learned that a recount is about something that has already happened.
My next step is to type my recount onto a Google doc to share it.

This is my story it's about Christmas last year